Helping Young Athletes Achieve Their Dreams



Helping Young Athletes Achieve Their Dreams

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Designed specifically for parents, The Athlete Parent Place offers a better understanding of factors that impact the performance and wellbeing of ambitious young sportspeople.

Whether they simply want to enjoy sports or dream of becoming the best, The Athlete Parent Place is here for you.




Our goal is to help parents support their athletes, across all sports and abilities, in a more effective and meaningful way, increasing the likelihood of continued participation... and success.  

And if you want to go the extra mile for them...


We've teamed up with experts, professional athletes, and parents who have already 'been there' to create The Ultimate Guide To Athlete Parenting, the game-changing guidance resource everyone is talking about.


Covering everything you need to know as a parent of an aspiring player or athlete, such as nutrition, sleep, psychology, and so much more...


Free Content Bundle 

Take a look at some of our favourite content to see how The Ultimate Guide to Athlete Parenting can help you help your athlete.


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Take a look at our featured blogs to help you help your athlete.

Healthy Food Choices

This blog helps you to better understand how your food choices will positively impact your athlete.

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Successful Athletes: The Role of Parents

As parents you undoubtedly play a huge role in determining your young athlete's success. This blog explains how you can best help them achieve their dreams.

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The Parent-Coach Relationship

Everyone benefits from a good parent-coach relationship. This will show you how.

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We also have a platform just for them...

Fact: When it comes to advice on areas such as nutrition, sleep, and mindset, they're far more likely to listen to those they look up to and respect in sports than their parents. After all, what do we know?!


The Athlete Place is an athlete-specific platform that speaks just to them... as aspiring young athletes.

Through relatable information, guidance and experiences shared by our network of elite sports role models, they can learn how to maximise the performance and wellbeing benefits that ultimately improve their chances of success and enjoyment in sport.

Click the button below to take a look. 


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