

Healthy Food Choices for Young Athletes: A Parent’s Role


The link between good nutrition and improved athletic performance is undisputed. 

As parents, you basically call the shots here. You are responsible for the weekly food shop and what goes on that list. By deciding what to buy (and, importantly, what not to buy!), you’re determining the nutritional quality of not only your athlete’s diet.

Key Fact - the food shop is one of the most impactful ways you can support your athlete.

Realising the link between nutrition and physical performance ca…

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Successful, Happy Athletes: The Role of Parents


It’s easy to assume our athlete’s success is solely down to them and their coach. Wrong! 

Parents, too, can significantly impact an athlete's performance. They just need to know what to do and when. So, if you've been watching from the sidelines, willing your athlete to that win, time, height, or distance and wishing you could help, read on...


Why It Matters What We Do

Improved performance isn’t just down to the time they spend training and competing, which, during the school years, probab…

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