General Athlete Parenting
Sport Enjoyment: Raising Successful, Happy Athletes
It’s easy to assume our athlete’s success is solely down to them and their coach. Wrong!
Parents, too, can significantly impact an athlete's performance. They just need to know what to do and when. So, if you've been watching from the sidelines, willing your athlete to that win, time, height, or distance and wishing you could help, read on...
Why It Matters What We Do
Improved performance isn’t just down to the time they spend training and competing, which, during the school years, probab…
Let's Talk About Kit
The cost of children's sports kits creates additional pressure on parents. We explain why kits are so important to the young athletes who wear them and suggest ways to keep their costs in check.
Should Young Athletes Specialise?
During the early years, will encouraging a young athlete to pursue just one sport increase their chances of success? Here, we look at the pros and cons of specialisation and the advantages of the more general, multi-sport approach.